
  1. NAME

    The name of the corporation is the Harundale Civic Association, Inc.


    The purposes of this corporation are as stated in the Certificate of Incorporation.

    1. Each adult resident, or owner of a residence, in Harundale shall be eligible for membership in this Corporation and shall be accepted upon application, accompanied by one (1) year’s dues.
    2. Dues shall be two [dollars] ($2) annually per person for each non-resident owner or for each adult resident. Dues shall not be prorated. Adult constitutes 18 years of age and older.
    1. The officers of this Corporation shall consist of: President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and four (4) Directors.
    2. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Directors, the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary.
    3. The Executive Committee shall elect a member of the Committee as Chairman, this Chairman to serve a term of one (1) year.
    4. All members of the Executive Committee shall be voting members.
    5. All officers of the Corporation shall be members of the Corporation for six months or longer to qualify for office.
    6. All maintenance charges shall be paid up to date.
    1. There are no term limits on any officer position
    1. Regular meetings of the Corporation shall be held at least twice (2) times annually on such dates and at such times as may be designated by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. General written notice of all meetings shall be delivered to the homes at least three (3) days in advance.
    2. All meetings shall start at 7:00 P.M., unless otherwise designated.
    3. Meetings for the election of officers shall be held in May of each year and shall be counted as a regular meeting.
    4. Meetings for the purpose of adopting a program of activities and an annual budget shall be held each year and shall be counted as a regular meeting.
    5. The presence of any twenty-five members of record shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business at any regular meeting.
    1. The President of the Corporation may call special meetings of the Corporation at his [/her] discretion.
    2. The President of the Corporation shall call within seven (7) days special meetings of the Corporation upon:

  1. Written request of any three (3) officers of the Corporation.
  2. Written request of any twenty-five (25) members of the Corporation.

    1. Written notice of all special meetings shall be given to the membership of the Corporation, together with a statement of the purposes of such meeting, at least three (3) days prior to the date of such meeting.
    2. No business other than that stated in the written notice shall be voted upon at such meeting; however, this shall in no way prohibit discussion of other matters upon completion of the business for which such meeting was called.
    1. Each adult member of the Corporation shall be entitled to one (1) vote, except, that non-owner residents shall not be permitted to vote on issues which, if passed, would result in increased property taxation or the incurring of financial obligations which would be amortized over a period of more than one (1) year. Voting on any such issues shall be by written ballot only.
    2. A majority of votes cast shall be sufficient to pass all measures, provided:

  1. Any action approved or authorized in any regular or special meeting involving the expenditure of money shall by accompanied by provision for source of such money, and such actions and provision must be voted upon as one measure.
  2. Election of officers shall be by secret ballot and a plurality of those members voting shall be necessary and sufficient to elect any officer of the Corporation.
  3. When there is only one slate of officers and no nominations from the floor, the Recording Secretary shall be permitted to cast the electing ballot as a blanket vote.

    1. Nomination

  1. Notice-all members of the Corporation shall be notified at least one month prior to the date of the nomination meeting of the date, time and place of such meeting.
  2. Meeting-nominations shall be made, seconded and accepted at the special meeting of the Corporation which immediately preceded the election but in no event less than one month prior to the elections. All nominees must be present at the meeting to accept nominations.
  3. Nominations-nominations for all officers may be made by:

  1. the election committee; and
  2. by any member of the Corporation in good standing.

  1. Close of Nominations-when all nominations have been made, and seconded, in due course, the nominations shall be closed and, after the close of the meeting describe in A2, no further nominations shall be accepted. There will be no write-in candidates.
  2. Notice of Candidates-immediately following the nomination meeting the election committee shall:

  1. Compose a list of all nominated for office.
  2. Compose a ballot containing the names of all nominated candidates.

  1. A list of candidates shall be delivered to the homes of all members of the association.
  2. No absentee ballots.

    1. Election of Officers

  1. Notice of elections-all members of the Corporation shall be notified of the date, time and place of the Election by the Election Committee at least one month prior to the election.
  2. Election-the election shall be held on the second Thursday of May, annually, the meeting to commence at 7:30 P.M.
  3. Balloting

  1. Ballots for officers may be cast by any member of the Corporation, in good standing, who has been a member of the Association for Ninety days or more.
  2. Election of officers shall be by secret ballot and a plurality of those members voting shall be necessary and sufficient to elect any officer to the Corporation.
  3. Balloting must be done in person by each member of the Association but once a vote has been cast, the member need not remain at the Election meeting.

    1. Uncontested Election

If there is only one slate of Officers and no nomination from the floor, as described in Paragraph A.3. (b) of Article IX, the Recording Secretary shall cast the electing ballot as a blanket vote.

    1. Parliamentary procedure at all regular and special meetings shall be in accordance with Roberts’ Rules of Order, Revised. At all regular meetings the following sequence of business shall be observed:

  1. Call to order.
  2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting.
  3. Reading of report from the Chairman of the Executive Committee.
  4. Report of Treasurer.
  5. Report of Committees.
  6. Unfinished business.
  7. New business.
  8. Adjournment.

    1. The officers shall perform the duties usually performed by such officers in similar Corporations or Associations.
    2. The Executive Committee shall have charge of the property and all financial matters of the Corporation, subject to such directions as the Members of the Corporation, in meeting assembled, shall choose to give.
    3. The Treasurer shall act as custodian and be responsible for all portable property of the Corporation.
    4. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for presenting a program of Policy and Activities and a Budget to implement such program for the approval and direction of the members of the Corporation at a yearly meeting.
    5. The President shall have the power to authorize payment of current operating expenses between regular meetings.
    6. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at regular intervals as ordered by the Chairman of the Committee for the purpose of conducting the regular business of the Corporation, and at each regular meeting of the Corporation the Committee shall present minutes of the Committee meeting, reporting all business transacted since the previous regular meeting of the Corporation. A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. There shall be a minimum of four (4) Executive Committee meetings a year.
    1. Recommendation for the recall of any Officer of the Corporation may be made by the Executive Committee or the President of the Corporation, or shall be made by the President upon receipt of the written petition of twenty-five (25) or more members of the Corporation.
    2. Any such recommendation for the recall of an Officer must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at any regular or special meeting in order to effect such recall.
    1. The following standing committees shall be created:

  1. Finance Committee
  2. Membership Committee
  3. Public Works Committee
  4. Zoning and Planning Committee
  5. Entertainment Committee
  6. Election Committee

    1. Such other regular or special committees shall be created as the Executive Committee may from time to time designate.
    2. Committees shall have such powers and duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee.
    3. All committees, the Chairman of which shall be appointed by the President, shall serve at the discretion of the President, subject to the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, except that the Treasurer shall be chairman of the Finance Committee.
    1. Obligations for expenses other than those authorized by the Membership in the Program and Budget adopted annually shall not be incurred except on prior authorization by the Membership at a regular or special meeting of the Corporation, except that:

  1. Emergency expenditures, not exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25) may be authorized by the Executive Committee.

    1. All money received by the Treasurer shall be deposited in the name of the Corporation in a responsible bank approved by the Executive Committee.
    2. All disbursements shall be made by check signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President or Vice-President.
    3. The Executive Committee shall arrange for an annual examination of the books and accounts of the Corporation at the close of each fiscal year, and at such other times as deemed necessary.
    4. Requests for expenditures other than those approved and authorized in the annual Program and Budget adopted by the Membership at a regular meeting shall not be voted upon until such request is submitted in writing to the Finance Committee at least seven days prior to a membership meeting, setting forth valid reasons therefore. The recommendations of the Finance Committee concerning such expenditures shall be presented to the Membership not later than the next meeting following the receipt thereof.

These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Members present at any regular meeting of the Corporation. Amendments shall be proposed at any regular meeting, but may not be acted upon until the next regular meeting of the Corporation. The proposed amendment shall be published to the Members of the Corporation at least one (1) week prior to the meeting at which it is to be voted upon.

Amended January, 1980; March 2003.
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