Our Community

Anne Arundel County Animal Control Laws and Services


In Anne Arundel County, the leash law applies to both Dogs And cats.  Article 12 Section 9-105 states: “At large means off the property of  an animal’s owner and not leashed and not under the control of a responsible person”.

Part of good maintenance and being a good neighbor is following appropriate guidelines regarding pet ownership. AA County Animal Control Laws are summarized below:

• Rabies Vaccination: Anyone who owns or harbors a cat or dog 4 months of age or older must have the animal vaccinated for rabies and be able to provide proof of vaccination.
• Licensing: The owner of any dog or cat 4 months of age or older must obtain a AA County license for the animal.
• Public Nuisance: The owner of an animal may not permit the animal to be a public nuisance or to cause a public nuisance condition. Public nuisance includes the following acts by an animal: Endangering the life or health of other animals or human beings. Molesting pedestrians. Chasing vehicles. Damaging property of someone other than the owner of the animal.
• Animal Disturbance Prohibited: It is unlawful for a person who owns, keeps, or has possession of an animal to permit the animal to disturb the quiet of a person or neighborhood.
• Running At Large: It is unlawful for an animal to run at large off the property of its owner except when under the control of its owner or authorized agent of the owner by leash, cord or chain.
• Removal of Animal Excreta: The owner of any animal shall be responsible for the removal of any excreta deposited by his or her animal on public walks, recreation areas, or private property other than their own.
• Animals Outdoors: For each dog confined or tied outdoors, an owner shall provide: A shelter to protect the dog from the wind, snow, rain, cold and sunlight A chain, rope, or line used to tie a dog which must be at least 10 feet in length All animals with food and water daily.

Anyone violating the above laws may be subject to a fine not less than $20.00 and up to $500.00
Further information and service are available upon request or call 410-222-8900.

Official Anne Arundel County Recycling Guidelines
       Put all paper, plastic, metal and glass Â together in the same container (s).

If not containerized, branches must be tied into bundles (not to exceed 4 foot/4″ diameter).

  • Use a yellow container or any type of reusable and durable container that works best for you, marked with a large “X” visible to the collection crew – The “X” lets the collection crew know it’s recycling.
  • Recycle every week so your recycling containers won’t be too heavy for you or the collectors. (Loaded containers cannot weigh more than 40 lbs. each.)
  • Use containers that one person can lift from the curb to the recycling truck. Containers must have handles.
  • There is no limit on the amount of recyclables you can put out for collection.
  • Keep your yard and street clean by securing papers and plastic bottles in their containers so they won’t blow around before the recycling truck arrives.
  • If paper gets wet, it’s okay - We can still recycle it.
  • When recycling shredded paper, put in a paper bag and staple shut. Include it with your other recycling on your collection day.

You may pick up a yellow container at the following locations:

  • Millersville Convenience Center: 389 Burns Crossing Road, Severn
  • Glen Burnie Convenience Center: 100 Dover Road, Glen Burnie
  • Sudley Convenience Center: 5400 Nutwell Sudley Road, DealeÂ
  • Annapolis: Heritage Office Complex, 2662 Riva Road, Suite 490


Tips for the Home:
• Empty and rinse bottles, cans and jars.
• Flatten boxes, plastic bottles and jugs, and beverage cans.
• Stack bins to save space.

Tips for the Curb:
• At the curb, please keep your trash separate from your recycling, so it’s clear which is which.
• Keep your yard and street clean by securing papers and plastic bottles in their containers.
• If paper gets wet, it’s okay.
• There’s no limit to the quantity of recyclables you can set out.


For more information on curb side recycling collection, call call 410-222-6100.
For general comments or questions about recycling, call 410-222-7951, or check out www.aadpw.org

General Information on Rats
HOPCA is still receiving reports from residents concerning rats. Rats can live anywhere there is sufficient food and shelter to sustain the population. Following simple guidelines can keep rats out of our neighborhood and keep us all safe. In order to reduce the population, please follow the “Health Matters” guidelines summarized here:

• Keep garbage in rodent proof containers with sealed lids.
• Feed your pets inside or remove the food after your pet’s mealtime.
• Don’t throw seeds, peanuts or bread on the ground to feed the birds. Use bird feeders placed above the ground with good rodent guards to prevent them climbing up.
• Clean out rotted vegetables in your garden and compost your garden waste in approved containers.
• Store your firewood and other materials at least 12 inches above the surface of the ground.
• Do not store upholstered furniture, mattresses, papers or other nesting material in the yard, basement or garage.
• Keep grass and weeds cuts to a maximum depth of 4 inches.
• Keep doors and windows in good condition and patch all holes in the exterior walls, floors and foundations.
• Keep your yard clean, especially if you’re a pet owner (rats eat animal waste too!).

Mannekin Properties (Harundale Plaza) will be helping the community out by placing baited containers around the shopping center.

Department of Public Works Preventing Sewage Back-ups

A sewage back-up is caused by a blockage in the sewer line which interferes with the normal flow of wastewater from your home, through the county lines in the street, to the county water reclamation facility.

A blockage in the private or county lines causes a back-up through floor drains and toilets at the lowest point in your home or business. The overflow will continue until the blockage is removed or until sewage is no longer entering the line.

Help prevent sewage blockages.

DON’T: • Dispose of kitchen grease down the drain. • Put diapers and sanitary napkins in the toilet. • Plant trees near sewer lines. • Connect any drains or sump pumps to the sewer system. • Vandalize the sewer system.

DO: • Install a plumber’s test plug. • Hire a plumber to install a back flow valve on the lowest drain line. Regularly inspect and maintain the valve. • Modify the plumbing line so that water is pumped to an upper level drain, eliminating the drains at the lower level.

If an overflow occurs, call the Emergency Services Division at 410-222-8400

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